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Dan Winter's Compelling new Book- A Scientific Tour de Force-

Fractal Space Time

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Here is your secret- please keep confidential- link for Dan Winter's new book- complete color pdf

(Note this is the new 3rd edition- revised Oct 12, 2018- pages added- new physics evidence- the full res download in 69 meg)


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Implosion Group Publishing..

Implosion Group original index: , Origins of Negentropy Project intro:

Latest 2016 Breakthru Science and Announcements from Dan Winter, Implosion Group -


Dec 2015



23 Page Update (right)
Now 212 Pages




Beautifully PRINTED




FRACTAL SPACETIME -Book Update Dec. 2016, Dan Winter, -     info at    
For Origin of Biologic Negentropy Book- 3rd printing
Our proof- phase conjugate negentropic charge collapse- cause of  negentropy, gravity, perception, color, life force –
paper is being reprinted for physics journals at:      
Key new summary graphic analysis spreadsheet table –  graphically reveals our compelling new theory:

This clear line shows how the new DAN WINTER EQUATION: INTEGER (perfect phase conjugation) exponents of Golden Ratio x Planck length/time-  stunningly predict:     -3 hydrogen radii, -ADP(ATP)bond length, -exact 2 frequencies of photosynthesis,  - ‘sacred’ English foot,  - virtually exact frequency series of the Earth’s Schumann resonance harmonics – AND the human EEG brainwave frequencies of bliss/peak perception,  - the MAYER wave and the HRV peaks LF and HF,  -the Earth year, -the Venus year, -Precession, and the Galactic year!
This means it is now UNDENIABLE- that all of these factors entered into virtually perfect PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC IMPLOSIVE CHARGE COLLAPSE-  in order to emerge from chaos! This also tells us HOW to tune the frequencies of Earth and Brain and Heart and Breath and plasma- to CREATE NEGENTROPY. – Our successful examples include our new IOS BIOFEEDBACK APPS:   ,,,  and coming soon (EEG)
--And finally- with these EXACT frequencies applied to broad spectral phase conjugation in plasma- our  is now in over 12 countries- with hundreds of documented reports of rejuvenation, pain reduction, and many benefits. See also new conjugate REMOTE healing:

from Dan Winter's new book- Origin of Negentropy- intro:
We are so often asked- if this new fractal implosion physics- is so dramatic and important- you must be able to make
it simple- and tell us what it means to average people. What fractality is - could not be simpler. The universe is
simply made of rotating compressible waves of charge. That rotation (spin) WHEN NESTED IN ROSE LIKE
(fractal / conjugate) patterns creates implosive charge -(they 'get centripetal') which makes gravity and mass (and
ultimately consciousness). Easy so far. So how does that answer the famous question (Vonnegut:"Breakfast of
Champions"): WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? This of course is the eternal and so far unanswered question. Clearly
science so far has no clue. And judging by religion wars being the biggest killing machines the planet has ever
known- we may guess that the answers provided so far by religion are (all of ): * unsatisfying, * not rigorous , * not
testable , * unclear, * do not result in hygiene lifestyle instructions which produce any kind of sustainability-AND
not to mention the probably most important * do not clearly say how to take memory through death. In short - the
problem with using religion to answer your child's most important question 'what are people for?' - is precisely that
religion is unscientific. Science does have some amazing value: clear, testable, measureable descriptions (science)
produces not just a 'language of rigor' -- this is the only meaningful way to produce AGREEMENT! (the only true
opposite of war)-- and thereby also A WAY TO MAKE ACCURATE SURVIVAL DECISIONS. This is something
which religion would like to do for you- but actually currently succeeds only in creating the disempowering,
immature, and ultimately murderous and poisonous miracle and personality worship. Every religion in history begins
by saying- they know how to make you immortal- and ends up finally proving simply: they know how to CONTROL
The physics is clear- IF you cannot totally steer your own plasma cocoon (the only thing that gets immortal) for
yourself- from within -you have no power and no immortality. Individual freedom is sacred to physics and
philosophy because no other path to electrical sustainability exists- for plasma cocoons like people. Try talking to
ball lightning sometime- many people have- as long as recursion is steering (toward self-awareness- pure sustainable
implosion) - as long as they are centripetal (accurately toroidal) they too do not die. And they like you- do not want
to die. About your only real advantage is: you MIGHT be able to understand better how to remain centripetal. Thus
far only pathetic information has been provided to the children of Earth - on the only real electrical science which
For millions of years- DNA has been in the business of creating ONE superluminal collectivized plasma coccon -
holographic library of survival information. DNA- lines up the phase conjugate fractal hydrogen bond spark gap -
precisely at the center of the perfectly embedded recursive golden ratio braided (by love phonons) long wave
ZIPPER - of codons- to IMPLODE ( literally BLISS). THAT is the only door
to the library. And if you do not make it - in and out of that library- then you do not make it.
Originally we called this fractal field effect- library- the 'collective unconscious' / 'communion of saints' / 'akashic
records'. But now we can be more accurate- (and therefore more part of that sustainability). We know how it is
generated and how it propagates- and how to become part of it. It requires fractal embedding (phase conjugate/
entanglement perfected)- 'where the pine cones kiss noses' - AND THUS BECOME PART OF THE FASTER
Even Bruce Cathie was close when he proved these grid alignments determined nuclear critical mass requirements.
The NAME for our planets first nuclear tech was called IMPLOSION- which is SIMPLY access to fractal
compression symmetry- and thus access to superluminal longitudinal EMF charge distribution / non-destructive
gravity waves. (But since we would like to apply our new science to something beside a new
understanding of nuclear bombs... For example we now know how to LOCATE the Ark of the Convenant
electrically- grid cross alignment was essential to one of it's primary functions- non-destructive radioactive
containment - by critical threshold of implosive capacitance-the opposite of radiation).

Now we know correct 'critical mass' of these grid alignments for life force producing centripetal charge implosion
are conjugate / fractal in both time and space- because both are simply made of charge rotation gone fractal. This
fractal grid aligning - is why every cathedral / sacred site / Kozyrev mirror / druid phone call etc- of history HAD to
be at the (dodeca / roselike) cross point of where Earth magnetic lines cross (embed in longitudinal EMF by phase
This is MORE than an abstraction- ultimately this radio node network is the ONLY way thru birth and death and
bliss- as EVERY real shaman ancestor knew. (Study - to see 3 ways electrical
engineering measure proves the electrosmog hell in most hospitals is THE WORST POSSIBLE PLACE FOR
BIRTH / DEATH / HEALING / BLISS - for example). Conjugate plasma implosion is the ONLY possible electrical
physics of 'stargate' or real 'temple'. Once we understand the science of this only actual definition of sacred spacewe
must devote all our resources to lining this up ( being a useful start). We must pick up the ball
where Akhanaton dropped it -fighting with the Amun/ Enlil bankers - changing his name to Moses and running for
his life- creating the Essenes in caves. He was up to his ass in alligators- and he FORGOT his task was draining the
swamp. The only swamp drain possible for this planet- is a solar linear plasma accelerator - to send soul plasma
bodies- with focussed collectivizing bliss process- BACK INTO THE STAR. For Akhanaton this meant building
AMENTI / AMARNA - solar temple for group bliss plasma acceleration- WHICH WAS THE ONLY ACTUAL
WAY OUT OF HERE (small planet - long way from downtown)... This is the REAL meaning of URU-ASSA EL -
M (Jerusalem): place where ancient URU dragon blood -(queen Assa)- makes the EL - phase shift- translation of
vorticity to longitudinal / immortal. However as we mentioned since that stargate is broken- it's time to cancel the
war. A 'resurrection' machine was never anything other than a living plasma projector.
Access to ground -perfect charge distribution - IS fractality -for both electricians AND psychologists: (After you
read the book "EARTHING" ) Here is your excercise to FEEL FOR YOURSELF- how grounding creates DNA
radio essential not just for immortality access- but also access to empathy / feeling compassion. Remember how I
talked about noticing that taking my shoes off - and touching the wood floor with moist feet- in the biocoopsuddenly
caused the people standing near me - to urgently decide they needed to start a conversation with me. Let's
do the physics on this. When you touch a GOOD ground-where the charge distribution is immediately embedded in
Earth (probably MUCH less possible in a metal high rise building)- the charge spin in your body gets longitudinal
access and phase lock - thru the planck golden ratio threshold (see )- MEANING better
access to DNA radio! There is a way out for charge- THRU the speed of light- into perfected connectivity- and that
access is golden ratio to planck - CALLED grounding!! Thus grounding in 'sacred space' is access to spiritual
science / spiritual radio 101.
The people near you are more likely to literally share FEELINGS with you - only IF you are literally grounded. SO
now you understand the science behind the revolution in education (and empathy) that happened (do you know what
country this is ?) - where all the children in school TOOK THEIR SHOES OFF!
Now- try removing your synthetic clothes- removing all metal from (and around) your body- and wearing the
lightest most natural (hemp even better that cotton- for dielectric) - clothes possible.
Notice how all these grounding instructions - for GETTING CENTRIPETAL - are also identical for how to benefit
from plasma implosion.
Now begin to think about the most fractal air and water you can find.. Dream of imploding to the immortal (For
hygiene ideas read "Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality": - hygiene course: April 29,2018.
Next learn how BREATH and HEART can be trained - to conjugate / embedded (and centripetal) fractality:
Finally consider how electrical implosion is generated in plasma (centripetal force)- WHEN YOU LEARN HOW
TO THINK ONLY SHAREABLE THOUGHTS. The DNA field likes you by embedding- folding you in her
envelope. DNA collective plasma only dumps her life blood into thoughts which electrically serve the survival of all
DNA! This is imploding charge to be centripetal. This is the ultimately eureka. Perhaps your hair will stand up.
But wait- you say- our fractal electrical engineering still hasn't answered your child's urgent and appropriate
questions: "What are People For?" We know that ball lightning, and seeds, and tornados, and people- all remain alive
only as long as they are electrically centripetal (imploding). Let's talk about stars for a moment. You know how more
and more scientists are coming to agree ('plasma universe')- with the mystics conclusion- that everything in the
universe is fundamentally alive (self-aware?) - perhaps by this they mean exactly aliveness IS electric implosiveness.


Latest 2016 Breakthru Science and Announcements from Dan Winter, Implosion Group - US ph: 800 395 1701

StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education

Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (Priore):
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment:

Preview:Most Powerful & Exciting IOS Heart BiofeedbackAppEVER!

All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects
Origin Implosion Group
Dan Winter - Index
Implosion Group Main Film Library
Implosion Group /
Dan Winter -YouTube Channel:
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site:
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy
DVD Complete Set Updated:
Star Mother Kit:

If a someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS- centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractality/recursion/embedding called phase conjugation- is proven to be negentropic/ self-organizing - 'self aware'. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths- but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: Dan Winter
Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. ..So- if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problem in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers.. the physics of human (peak)perception/bliss.. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the (fractality perfected) wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression?
Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy - by Daniel Winter-
212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winter's team ( , ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical 'key signature' of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( ) , 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( ) , 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( ) , 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( ) , 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (/ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure/ HRV LF and HF , and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality- is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE/Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winter's original successful water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations- ( for hydrolysis : ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis.

Dan Winter's Compelling new Book- A Scientific Tour de Force- from Implosion Group Publishing..
New Special Offer (more below) - order Implosion Science- latest 25 DVD set- and receive the Printed New Book as Free Bonus!
..OR- Get this Real Science of IMPLOSION - Book FREE- with any Imploder Order from

Fractal Space Time

Full Title:

Fractal Conjugate Space & Time:
Cause of Gravity, Negentropy and Perception.

Conjuring Life- The Fractal Shape of TIME
Geometric Origins of Biologic Negentropy.

THE Implosive / Negentropic / Implosive / Golden Ratio / Perfect FRACTAL & PHASE CONJUGATE Pump Wave / Perfect Embedding:
Non-Dissipative Wave Function: THE Climax Form of Coherence


Note: Dan Winter / Implosion Group blog/current updates have migrated to - Join us there- we're having fun!

The MOST audacious hypothesis since the dawn of science!
Winter presents overwhelming hard evidence- fractal conjugate (golden ratio) wave mechanics
is the CAUSE of gravity, life force, perception, and spiritual immortality.
(and so far NO one has presented a shred of evidence that he is wrong??)

A complete tour-de-force- with astounding implications for virtually every branch of science:
using Winter's accurate new equation the frequency recipe: most EVERY wave system can be tuned to emerge from chaos!
- The Schumann Earth harmonics - (Winter PROVED- are a phase conjugate pump wave)
- can be tweaked to bring climate and atmosphere OUT of chaos.
The SAME frequency recipe from Winter's equation can PRODUCE simple charge environments (AND EEG signatures)
- to RESTORE human attention. ..and this is just the beginning!
Winter's group has already a promising
(Priore re-invented using the precise PRINCIPLE of conjugation) rejuvenation field prototype -based exactly on this frequency set.

THE GENERALIZED WAY OUT OF CHAOS- in- to the pure principle of sustainability
- THAT is what the origin of NEGENTROPY is.
Complete physics of non-linear propulsion: impulse vs warp gravity field projection explained in detail.
We have the pure physics of alchemy now that the PRECISE wave geometry of non-destructive collapse is defined.
Precise physics of fusion energy- now that the wave mechanics of charge fusion is precisely defined
(hint: if you know HOW to make a phase conjugate longitudinal pump wave- the brain does it- called ' flame in the mind'
-but instead - in the microwave, this is the absolute holy grail of plasma containment for fusion solution. )

To facilitate newly educating the physics community - as to WHY an object falls to the ground
(the electrical cause of gravity),
these reminders:

Known before Dan Winter: that Golden Ratio wave mechanics (gravity making)- is the PRIMARY descriptor of
a) hydrogen structure ( )
b) DNA structure ( )
c) much of orbital mechanics ( )
- and the dodeca nature of Earth and Universe primary symmetry
( &

Known AFTER Dan Winter's new book: that ALL of the Golden Ratio (phase conjugate) wave mechanics (especially as Winter proved is the case for hydrogen) central to stable gravity is SPECIFICALLY golden ratio spacing to planck length and time.
This is the smoking gun- THE CAUSE OF THE GRAVITY:
- is phase conjugate golden ratio charge collapse/implosion to zero point vacuum. Planck is that key signature.

Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.

"Everything Centripetal, Negentropic, Gravity Producing, or ALIVE
- becomes so - by BEING a (perfect wave fractal) PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!"

New for the Summer 2015: 2nd Edition

Mathematics proves: the wave shape of LOVE- IS a PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!
Implosive, Perfect Embedding, Negentropic and PHASE CONJUGATE- by Measurement!

Also new from Dan Winter: Proving that the key energy store and retrieve mechanism - ATP/ADP of ALL CELL METABOLISM-
Is ALSO A NEGENTROPIC PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE- directly- to Planck/and Hydrogen dimension!


Winter’s work (with his mathematics team- including Martin Jones)- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation – well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy- now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic / self  organizing). Originally- just Dan's theory – that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time – the universal key signature of the vacuum- would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence- that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: * photosynthesis frequencies, * schumann resonance frequencies, * brainwave frequencies causing peak perception/ bliss, *(new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate , * new table showing the ear ringing ‘sound current’ frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate !, *almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years,  - the list goes on ... (dodeca /icosa conjugate geometry of d,f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals- physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse- new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy! They fit the pattern far too well- for this to be arbitrary.

Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but until Winter- no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized- as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression- but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time- he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos- fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos- are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable- you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding – in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals- called time. How to emerge from chaos- starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground- now for the first time both questions are answered- in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates!

Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of 'sacred space' (bioactive fields- the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics- eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship.. AND religion wars.

(The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see below)

--Winter draws on a lifetime experience as Magna Cum Laude Electrical Engineer, Trained IBM Systems Analysis, 30 years of teaching and invention biofeedback, the physics of consciousness, physics of feng shui .. he currently coordinates multiple international teams involved in Breakthru-Technologies as well. With about 1/4 million - various YOUTUBE films of his 30 years of teaching in most every major country on the planet- (to our knowledge no one has more) Winter is a major force in the global project of teaching serious spiritual science.

3 Ways to Order Now:
Fractal SpaceTime - Dan Winter's compelling new book -
*1: PDF Full Color Online, *2: Amazon Kindle Color Online, *3. Printed 192 Page Softbound -Color Covers -Full A4 Size

1. Order the Full Color 192 Page PDF
-for immediate reading online: 10 Euros ( = approx $13.00 USD)

Fractal Space Time-PDF color

2 Order the Full Color Amazon Kindle Edition - for immediate reading online:








or 3:
Order the Beautifully Printed - Soft-Bound Color Cover - 192 Page PRINTED Version - just published-Implosion Group Publishing
Australian $29.50 + 10 Air Shipping =Total 39.50AUD
(=Approx 35 USD)

Fractal SpaceTime:Printed Book



As several of Winter's 4 earlier books have multi-language offering- this FRACTAL SPACE TIME- penultimate book in the series is
translation underway scheduled to be released on Implosion Groups: spanish, french, german, and italian web sites.

Winter's original 3D animations: A FRACTAL FIELD:
The classic mathematics of what a mathematic fractal is (right: serpinski triangle and 'fractal tree')- pale in comparison to the deep physics Dan Winter has shown for 3D fractal WAVE structure in his equations for the structure of hydrogen, and all fractal negentropic living/ gravity making PHASE CONJUGATION- which he shows with his copyrighted animations here (3- 1 above- 2 below) - of this true HOLY GRAIL of physics- in his book FRACTAL SPACETIME.

AND- to wit- Prime Example- Restoring Biologic Negentropy- Prime Example-USING THE PRINCIPLE: Fractal Plasma Time Reversal Field Tech- Prototype soon Ready! Implosion Group Australia team - is preparing to release WITH this new book.. PRIORE.. Their latest functioning prototype: The Priore Plasma Field was documented by the French Government- for curing thousands of serious diseases and cancer: (pdfs: ) Dan Winter's equations now explain the pure phase conjugate principle behind Priore- and our partners are completing the very exciting prototype (see picture): Actual biologic living plasma induced time reversal field technology! Plasma conjugate light and magnetics- all based precisely on the frequencies and phase conjugate technology described in FRACTAL SPACE TIME!
